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Chinese medical mission to São Tomé and Príncipe wins praise
Release time:2021-09-03
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São Toméan Health Minister Edgar Neves has commended a party of Chinese health workers who are about to finish a year-long medical mission to São Tomé and Príncipe, STP-Press reports.

The São Toméan state-run news agency quotes Mr Neves as saying that since the COVID-19 pandemic began the doctors in the party have improved the quality of life of São Toméans considerably.

The report quotes the surgeon leading the mission, Yuri You Zhen, as saying the high point of its work was the completion of a pioneering study of the prevalence of dental caries among São Toméan adolescents.

Mr You spoke highly of the degree of collaboration by São Toméan doctors and members of his party, and of the degree of coordination among Mr Neves’s ministry, the Hospital Ayres Menezes in São Tomé and a clinic in nearby Água Grande, STP-Press says.