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Car part factory in China drives Sodecia business in Asia
Release time:2021-09-29
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Sales in Asia by Portuguese maker of car parts Sodecia SA have been boosted by the factory the company opened 10 years ago in the northeastern Chinese city of Dalian, China Radio International (CRI) reports, citing the manager of the Sodecia subsidiary that runs the factory.

The Portuguese-language service of the Chinese state-run broadcaster quotes Carlos Martins of Sodecia Powertrain Dalian Co. Ltd as saying sales of parts made at the factory grew to 450 million yuan (about US$69.65 million) in 2020 from 70 million yuan in 2012.

Mr Martins said Sodecia bought some inputs such as plastic injection parts from Chinese suppliers, and had been testing Chinese-made steel for the past few months as the quality of Chinese materials matches its European rivals.

Sodecia is in talks about launching in the next two years new projects in two different product segments in China, CRI quotes Mr Martins as saying.