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Portuguese architect wins Huamao Meiyu Award for education
Release time:2021-11-03
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Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza Vieira has won one of first two Huamao Meiyu Awards for art education, Huamao Group Co. Ltd of China says.

On receiving the award in the eastern Chinese city of Ningbo last Friday, Mr Siza Vieira voiced hope for more Sino-Western cultural exchanges, according to a written statement issued by Huamao the day after.

Mr Siza Vieira remarked that the blending in Macao of Chinese temples and gardens and Western monasteries and churches was an example of cultural interaction and integration.

The other award winner is Ningbo-born painter Quan Shanshi, Huamao says.

Last year the authorities in Ningbo announced that Huamao had opened in the city the Huamao Art Education Museum, designed by Mr Siza Vieira.