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Mota-Engil wins the Lobito Corridor concession
Release time:2022-07-08
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The consortium of Mota-Engil and the Swiss multinational Trafigura won the tender for the concession of the Lobito Corridor in Angola for exploration within a period of 30 years. China Communications Construction Company Limited is a shareholder of Mota-Engil.

The tender for the concession of the Lobito Corridor was launched in September last year. The new concessionaire will handle the transportation of cargo, such as fuel and minerals, and the management of the mining terminal at the port of Lobito.

The reactivation of the Lobito Corridor is part of the Angolan Executive’s efforts to reinforce regional integration and materialize the sub-regional cooperation commitments, pointing to the future possibility of the Atlantic-Indian interconnection, with the connection of the railway to Porto of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.