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Mayor Guerreiro receives Chinese interested in investments in Três Lagoas
Release time:2023-08-09
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Chinese businessmen from the company Xamano Energy Brasil, a multinational company part of the Medvacca Group, traditional in the production of medicines with administrative headquarters in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and recently in São Paulo and Brasília, were in Três Lagoas on the morning of the 4th of August.

Claudia R. Wu, CEO of Xamano Energy, showed the projects scheduled for investment in Três Lagoas. They are structuring green energy projects. "I am very happy to see that Três Lagoas was seen and chosen by the Chinese for this process of producing green ammonia, further enriching the world of fertilizers for our agriculture," commented the leader of City Council, Cassiano Maia.

The Mayor Angelo Guerreiro said that the government is already checking a location for the installation of the industry. "The forecast is two years for construction when then begin testing."

(Source: Site daPrefeitura de Três Lagoas)