Representatives of a Chinese machine factory were in the Manaus Industrial Pole for a visit to a component industry on the 11th of November. The purpose of the visit was to see closely the solutions created by a company of technological innovation of Amazonas. The technologies have already been used in the industry and should be implemented in the Chinese factory in the future.
One of the technologies was created by the Computer Engineering academic, Dávilon Maclaus. Through a device and a system, it is possible to identify when a machine has a problem and the exact location where it is pointed out. From then on, it is possible to make the necessary repairs.
The second technology that the Chinese factory intends to incorporate into its services is another system that can identify deformities in parts through Artificial Intelligence and using a heat sensor created by the technological innovation company.
Also according to the responsible of the Brazilian company, the partnership aims to integrate the solutions developed with the equipment of the Chinese factory.
(Source: G1)