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Sinohydro resumes rehabilitation of bridges in Cuanza Sul
Release time:2023-04-13
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On the 11th of April, Sinohydro Corporation Limited resumed the total rehabilitation of 855 meters of the bridges in Quicombo, Queve, Salinas, Quiteta and Longa, province of Cuanza Sul, on national road number 100.

The works will be confined to the guardrails, support systems, treatment of settlement on the slopes of the bridge and expansion joints, according to the head of the conservation and maintenance department of bridges at the Angola Roads Institute, Dorivaldo Cândido Augusto.

The aforementioned works began in November 2021, with an end date of April 2022, the lack of payments dictated their stoppage. At the moment, the physical execution of the five bridges makes up 64 percent. With the resumption of work, it is expected to be completed in June of the current year.

Speaking to ANGOP, an official from the authorities highlighted that “these works must be intervened, as they are emergencies. If these bridges are not rehabilitated, they will hinder the movement of people and goods.

(Source: Angop)