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President of Portuguese trade and investment agency visits China
Release time:2015-07-30
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The President of the Portuguese state organisation AICEP Portugal Global – Trade & Investment Agency, Miguel Frasquilho, is on a visit to China, Portuguese news agency Lusa reported. The aim, he said, is to “broaden China’s interest in the Portuguese market”.

“Economic relations between Portugal and China – namely regarding investment and trade – have never been stronger”, Mr Frasquilho told Lusa on Wednesday.

He added China was “among the top 10” of Portugal’s economic partners and had been improving its position year-by-year.

Mr Frasquilho was speaking in Shanghai, where he had a meeting with over 10 Chinese investors in several sectors, including from manufacturing, insurance, transportation and infrastructure.

The President of AICEP also said he wished to see direct flights between Portugal and China become a reality. He added the topic is always “on the table” whenever Portugal-China relations are discussed. “It is natural”, he added, that such an air link is on his “radar”, as a means of boosting inward investment to Portugal.

Mr Frasquilho also stressed the relationship of the two countries is based on “mutual trust” and it will continue to be so.

His Shanghai meeting was part of AICEP’s initiative to tour what he referred to as “23 geographies” in 2015 and 2016, aiming at “attracting investments to Portugal”. The list of destinations includes Brazil and Japan, as well as the United States.

Mr Frasquilho will also visit Shenzhen while in China, calling at the headquarters of Chinese telecommunications company Huawei. It last year signed an agreement with AICEP to provide training to Portuguese students.