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Chinese investment in Portugal is transversal
Release time:2023-04-26
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The chairman of Mota-Engil, Mota Santos, said at the lunch debate held on the 20th of April that the construction company did not feel conditioned by having a Chinese shareholder.

About China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) which has 30% of Mota-Engil, Mota Santos said that this has not negatively conditioned the company: “Even in Mexico, a North American-based market, we haven’t felt any kind of conditioning or any kind of problem for having a reference shareholder such as CCCC.

And he recalled that in Portugal Chinese investment is transversal. “China is not only our shareholder, but it is also already a significant part of the Portuguese business fabric, banking, insurance, health, energy,” he said. In fact, he said, apart from Chinese investment, the remaining main foreign investments are not in the industry and are mainly opportunistic.

(Source: Notícia ao Minuto)