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New ambassadors of Portugal, Brazil and Cabo Verde deliver credentials to Chinese President
Release time:2023-04-28
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On the 24th of April, Chinese President Xi Jinping received the credentials of 70 ambassadors to China, including Portugal, Brazil and Cabo Verde.

At the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, accreditation was formalized for ambassadors Marcos Galvao from Brazil, Paulo Jorge Nascimento from Portugal and Arlindo do Rosario from Cabo Verde.

China is ready to deepen friendship and expand mutually beneficial cooperation with people of other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit and push forward bilateral relations, Xi noted, according to an official note. It is hoped that ambassadors will have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of China and serve as envoys of friendship and bridges of cooperation.

The Chinese President said his country is willing to work with the international community to promote the implementation of the Global Initiatives for Development, Security and Civilization, advocate the common values of humanity, promote mutual understanding and amity among people of all countries, jointly cope with various global challenges, and make continuous progress towards building a community with a shared future for humanity.

(Fonte: Clbrief)