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Chinese language competition held at the Confucius Institute at UnB
Release time:2023-05-05
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Chinese language skills in speaking, listening and reading were tested at the 22nd Chinese Language Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students in Brazil Chinese Bridge, held at the Cultural Center of the Faculty Association of the University of Brasília (ADUnB) on the 28th and 29th of April.

The competition aimed at university students had twenty competitors nominated by institutes throughout Brazil. Gabriel Bechara, from the Confucius Institute at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), won first place in the competition held in Brasília. He will represent Brazil in the finals, in China, with no date yet set.

Enrique Huelva, the vice-rector of UnB, was present at the opening ceremony and praised the trajectory of the Confucius Institute at UnB. Founded in 2008, the unit has opened more than 200 Chinese language classes since 2009, with about 2.7 thousand students.

(Source: Official site of the University of Brasilia)