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Investment plan of US$9 billion in the Campos Basin pre-salt layer was approved
Release time:2023-05-12
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Petrobras, together with Equinor and Repsol Sinopec Brasil, announced the final investment decision in block BM-C-33, located in the pre-salt layer of the Campos Basin, in Rio de Janeiro. With an investment of US$9 billion, the block promises to boost oil and gas production in the region.

This strategic partnership, made up of Equinor (35%), Repsol Sinopec Brasil (35%) and Petrobras (30%), aims to maximize the potential of BM-C-33 and strengthen the oil and gas exploration sector in the pre-salt from the Campos Basin.

The BM-C-33, currently operated by Equinor, is located around 200 km from the coast, in waters with depths that reach 2,900 meters. At the site, three accumulations of gas and oil were discovered. With the approval of the investments, Petrobras’ expectation is that these reserves will be explored and contribute to the recovery of more than one billion barrels of oil equivalent.

(Source: Suno)