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São Paulo Metro starts the transportation of the CREG tunneling machine
Release time:2023-06-09
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The São Paulo Metro has started the transportation of the pieces of the biggest  tunnel boring machine of South America, that will be used in the expansion of Line 2-Green. The cargo arrived at the Port of Santos on the coast of the state on the 8th of May.

The tunnel boring machine called “Cora Coralina”, which was manufactured by China Railway Engineering Equipment Group (CREG), should be the largest machine of its kind operating in Brazil, with a diameter of 11.66 meters.

The five largest pieces of the nearly 70 pieces that make up the tunneling machine should be brought to São Paulo this week. On the 5th of June, four smaller pieces have already been transported on trucks, with total weight ranging from 85 to 138 tons. The largest piece is the so-called Main Drive, which alone weighs 189 tons. It will arrive in the capital on Saturday (10).

(Source: Globo)