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China increases soybean imports from Brazil by 20%
Release time:2023-06-16
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China imported 34.432 million tons of soybeans from Brazil until May 2023. According to data from the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex) of the Ministry of Economy, the volume is 20% higher than the 28.741 million tons in 2022. The country is the largest buyer of Brazilian oilseed, accounting for 70.23% of the volume so far.

In second place was Spain, with 1.749 million tons, 17% below the same period last year. Thailand appears in third place, with 1.328 million tons, up 17% year on year.

Soybean exports from Mato Grosso totaled 17.295 million tons in 2023. The volume is 3% higher than that shipped by the state in the same period of 2022 and corresponds to 35.28¬¬¬¬% of Brazilian exports so far. After Mato Grosso, the ranking of the states that sent the most soybeans abroad are: Goiás, Paraná, São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais.

(Source: Canal Rural)