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Portuguese parliamentary group leader says Chinese investment is welcome
Release time:2023-07-24
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Chinese investment in Portugal is key to the country’s rapid economic recovery and to a steady improvement in the livelihood of Portuguese citizens, said Fernando Ferreira, chairman of the Portugal-China Parliamentary Friendship Group (PCPFG), at a lunch meeting that brought together representatives of Portuguese and Chinese business communities.

Among the attendants were Zhao Bentang, the Chinese ambassador to Portugal, PCPFG members, the Portuguese-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Portuguese-Chinese Business Association, as well as representatives of several Chinese companies.

Referring to the theme of the meeting – “Renewing Friendship, Collaborating for Cooperation and Discussing the Future”, he praised the mutually beneficial relations between Portugal and China.

“The Portuguese prioritize the quality of investments rather than their source. However, if we do consider the source, we believe that choosing Chinese investments is wise because the Chinese prioritize the outcome of investments and actively set investment goals”, he said.

(Source: People’s Daily)