Member Countries
Foreign investors will have easier access to the Chinese market as regulators vow to loosen restrictions and streamline the approval process, said the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.
East Timor reported a trade deficit of US$115.5 million for December, with US$122.8 million of imports and US$7.3 million of exports, according to Lusa news agency.
The Government of Brazil on Monday announced tax increases on fuel, imports and consumer loans aimed at raising 20.6 billion reais (US$7.7 billion) in additional revenue this year.
The decline in Portugal’s industrial producer prices accelerated in December, after easing slightly in the previous month, data from Statistics Portugal showed this week. It was the fifth consecutive month of decline.
China’s economy expanded by 7.4 percent in 2014 from the previous year, following 7.3-percent growth in the fourth quarter, the country’s National Bureau of Statistics announced on Tuesday.
Angola has been included in the list of countries authorised to export all kinds of fishery products to the European Union (EU), said the country’s Minister of Fisheries, Victoria de Barros Neto.
Direct investment in the Chinese tourism sector will reach 3 trillion yuan (US$490 billion) in the coming three years, playing a growing role in the nation’s economy, state-run news agency Xinhua reports.
The Government of Cape Verde and the World Bank have begun the process of restructuring the Growth and Competitiveness Fund (FCC) programme, in a bid to respond to the needs of private companies in the archipelago, reports the Pan African News Agency, citing local sources.
The Specialised Investment Agency (AEI) of East Timor is working closely with the World Bank to improve the country’s private investment law, said the agency’s president Tony Duarte, quoted by news website Macauhub.
China’s outbound direct investment jumped 14.1 percent year-on-year to a record high of US$102.9 billion in 2014, as China’s appetite for foreign investments remained robust, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said in a statement last week.
Mozambique’s new President Filipe Nyusi on Saturday named Carlos do Rosário as Prime Minister, to lead a government of 22 ministers, down from 28 previously.
Mozambique’s new President, Filipe Nyusi, says he plans to continue investing in the development of the country’s infrastructure, following in the footsteps of former president Armando Guebuza.
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