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Chinese diplomatic chief to visit Brazil
Release time:2024-01-16
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The head of Chinese diplomacy, Wang Yi, will be travelling to Brazil next week, after visiting four African countries.

At a press conference on 11 January, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning announced that Wang Yi would be "in Brazil and Jamaica from 18 to 22 January", although she did not specify the exact days on which he would visit each country.

Mao commented that Brazil and Jamaica are important partners for China in Latin America and the Caribbean, maintaining "equal or similar positions on many regional and international issues" with China. "We will take the opportunity to strengthen mutual political trust with the two countries and deepen friendly and mutually beneficial co-operation in various fields," he added.

Earlier, Wang Yi will visit Egypt, Tunisia, Togo and Ivory Coast from 13 to 18 January, according to the spokeswoman.

(Source: Correio Braziliense)