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Minas Gerais exports to China are on the rise
Release time:2024-01-04
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Between January and November 2023, exports from Minas Gerais to China totalled US$ 14.4 billion. In the same period, sales by Minas Gerais companies abroad totalled US$ 36.2 billion, i.e. 40% of the state's total exports went to the Asian giant, with the commodities iron ore, soya and beef standing out. 

According to the platform's figures, by the 11th month of 2023, miners had shipped 162.9 million tonnes of products to other countries. China, the state's main trading partner, was even more representative in this case, as it received 69% of the entire amount exported, which translates into 113.9 million tonnes.

When Minas Gerais' exports to China in the 11 months of 2023 are compared with the same period in the previous year, there was a 6% increase in value and an 8% increase in quantity.

(Source: Diário do Comércio)