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Valongo Wharf enhancement work, built by the Chinese company, is completed
Release time:2023-11-29
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The president of Rio's city council, Eduardo Paes, participated on the 23rd of November, in the delivery of works to improve Valongo Wharf. Valongo was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2017.

This is the second phase of interventions, with an investment of R$2 million, built by the Chinese electric energy company State Grid Brazil Holding. In this current phase of interventions, the space received a new guardrail, scenic lighting, informative signage in the UNESCO world standard and the artistic exhibition “Valongo, Cais de Ancestralidades”.

The inauguration event was also attended by China's commercial consul, Yuan Sheng Xu; the president of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), Aloízio Mercadante and the cultural coordinator of UNESCO in Brazil, Isabel de Paula, among other authorities.

(Source: Official website of the City of Rio de Janeiro)