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In delegation, Chinese company studies the feasibility to build a factory in Mato Grosso
Release time:2024-07-12
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Between July 3 and 10, the Department of Economic Development of the State of Mato Grosso accompanied a delegation from the Chinese company Fufeng Group Limited, a global leader in the production of amino acids, in the municipalities of Cáceres, Cuiabá, Lucas do Rio Verde, Nova Mutum, Rondonópolis and Sorriso. The aim is to analyze the feasibility of implementing a manufacturing unit for the group in Mato Grosso.

The Chinese group plans to expand operations in South America and chose Brazil for an investment of US$400 million. The company will also visit Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás and Paraná.

The Secretary of Economic Development, César Miranda, highlighted that the State Government has carried out several actions to attract foreign investment to Mato Grosso.

(Source: FTN Brasil, on July 10)