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Sinomach visits MT in search of business with the agricultural sector
Release time:2024-05-28
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The Chinese company Sinomach Heavy Industry held important business meetings in Cuiabá, Lucas do Rio Verde, Sorriso and Sinop between May 22 and 24, seeking to promote its technological solutions in exchange for agricultural commodities. The group will visit some companies on May 27 and 28, as well as the Association of Soy and Corn Producers of Mato Grosso (Aprosoja).


Sinomach's chief engineer said the meetings were positive, creating several advantageous business opportunities for both sides.


"We had many positive results with the technical visits. I believe that Mato Grosso is the largest producer in the agricultural sector, and we, at Sinomach, are the largest equipment manufacturer in China. Both parties have several opportunities for cooperation. We want to export our machines and buy grains, providing a win-win scenario for everyone," explained the representative.

(Source: MidiaNews, on May 26)