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Chinese companies express interest in investing in Angola
Release time:2024-03-20
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On March 17 in Beijing, a total of 14 major business groups from various sectors expressed their interest in investing more and more in Angola, after receiving assurances from the Head of State, João Lourenço, during separate talks with their managers.

The President of the Republic was first given information about the vision of Power China International Group, parent company of the SynoHydro Group, and the development plan for Angola.

Having been in the Angolan market for 20 years, said the group's Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chen Guanfu, Power China will support the government in the project to combat drought and also in the rehabilitation of the Américo Boavida Hospital, without giving details of the contract.

Also on the 17th, João Lourenço received the vice-president for Sub-Saharan Africa, Jeff Wang, in Beijing, with whom he discussed the Huawei Group's investment prospects, as well as hearing from the Chinese official about the company's achievements in the country. Jeff Wang stressed the need to invest more and more in digital transformation in Angola, as well as extending connectivity to the population living in remote areas, promising to connect the country through the implementation and installation of fiber optics.

(Source: Jornal de Angola, on March 18)