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Chinese Prime Minister meets with President of Guinea-Bissau in Beijing
Release time:2024-07-12
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Chinese Premier Li Qiang met with Guinea-Bissau President Umaro Sissoco Embaló in Beijing, promising to expand mutually beneficial cooperation and achieve common development.

The two countries make good use of important platforms, such as the Belt and Road Initiative, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), the Macau Forum, to deepen cooperation in agriculture, fisheries and infrastructure construction.

China is willing to import more quality agricultural products from Guinea-Bissau, Li said, noting that China encourages its companies to expand investment in Guinea-Bissau and hopes that Guinea-Bissau will continue to provide convenience and support.

Noting that Guinea-Bissau sincerely appreciates China's long-term valuable support for its economic and social development, Embaló said that Guinea-Bissau is willing to further strengthen practical cooperation with China in various fields such as economy, trade and infrastructure construction, and continue to move towards common development.

(Source: XINHUA Portuguese, on July 11)