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Meeting between Weichai and vice-governor of Goiás
Release time:2024-06-17
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The vice-governor of Goiás, Daniel Vilela, led a working meeting with the general manager of Weichai, Hui Liu, where the investment of approximately R$100 million was confirmed to establish a new factory in Itumbiara, in the southern region of Goiás. Weichai, world-renowned in engines and agricultural machinery production, plans to begin operations in the city within three months.

Daniel Vilela expressed great expectations regarding the economic benefits that the installation will bring to Itumbiara and its region.

During the meeting, Hui Liu highlighted that this will be its first unit in Latin America. The executive also emphasized the intention to contribute significantly to the development of the southern region of the state, benefiting the local community.

At the end of the meeting, Hui Liu presented the vice-governor with a miniature of one of the tractors manufactured by Weichai and he received a locally produced wine from Daniel Vilela. Then, the general manager went to Itumbiara to discuss details of the factory's implementation.

(Source: Editorial, on June 13)