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China and Brazil: Brazilian vice-president celebrates bilateral relations
Release time:2024-04-22
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On April 17, the seminar "50 years of the Brazil-China relationship: Cooperation for a sustainable world" was held in Brasilia at the headquarters of the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA).

At the opening table, Vice-President Geraldo Alckmin, also head of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services, welcomed the 50 years of partnership between the two countries and recalled that it was also 20 years since the creation of Cosban (Sino-Brazilian High-Level Concertation and Cooperation Commission) - created by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in 2004 - which is now the main mechanism for regular dialogue between Brazil and China.

Also at the ceremony were China's ambassador to Brazil, Zhu Qingqiao; the secretary for Asia and the Pacific at Brazil's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Eduardo Paes Saboia; the president of CNA, Gedeão Silveira Pereira, the representative of CASS, Dan Shi, and of Cebri, José Pio Borges.

(Source: Fórum magazine, on April 19)