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Chinese entrepreneurs direct business to real estate and hotel areas
Release time:2024-01-02
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The information was provided by the president of the Association of Chinese Businessmen in Cape Verde, Paulo Pan, who, in an interview with Inforpress, said that many Chinese now intend to invest in the real estate and hotel sectors through the purchase of old houses in Mindelo, in São Vincent.

In your case, a hotel with 11 rooms should open before the second half of 2024, and there will be two more colleagues who also intend to open two more hotels, with 21 and 24 rooms, respectively, in Mindelo, to welcome Chinese people as well as other tourists who want to visit the island.

Paulo Pan assured that there is indeed a lot of reciprocity between Cape Verde and China, so much so that other Chinese businesspeople are already looking to invest, not only in trade but also in food services, product transformation, renewable energy and small industries.

(Source: Inforpress)