Paulo Coelho is one of the best-known names in the literary world and among Brazilian personalities whose achievements have gone across national borders. Now, the Brazilian celebrates the launch of a manga version of “The Alchemist” in China. “It’s a magnificent piece,” the writer praised the manga to Xinhua news agency. “It has been the best version by now, so that publishers plan to buy the rights to Chinese manga, translate it into other languages and make it available in other countries,” he pointed out.
On his impressions of China and the Chinese people, Paulo Coelho says he has great admiration and respect. In the work “Caminhos Revividos” (Revived Paths), written together with his wife, Christina Oiticica, the illustrations were created from photographs of the author’s feet walking along the walls of Nanjing.
“I have been to Nanjing, Beijing and Shanghai. China is a country that impressed me because of its culture. The Chinese know what they want and persevere to get what they want. That taught me a lot,” he said.
(Source: Ibrachina)