Member Countries
Message from the Secretary-General

Welcome to the website of the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao).

The Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), also known as Forum Macao, was created in Macao in October 2003. It was initiated by the Central Government of the People’s Republic of China, and organised by the Ministry of Commerce of China, and co-organised by the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region. Eight Portuguese-speaking countries, including Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe and East Timor participate in it.

Forum Macao is an intergovernmental and apolitical multilateral cooperation mechanism that is permanently based in Macao and focuses on economic and trade promotion and development. It seeks to consolidate economic and trade exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, and promote Macao’s role as a platform connecting China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, in order to foster the mutual development of Mainland China, Portuguese-speaking Countries and the Macao SAR.

Forum Macao organises the Ministerial Conference of Forum Macao every three years in Macao. So far, six editions have been successfully held in, respectively, October 2003, September 2006, November 2010, November 2013, October 2016 and April 2024. At the end of each Ministerial Conference, an updated Strategic Plan for Economic and Trade Co-operation has been approved. Such documents set out the plan for economic and trade cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries for the following three years.

The Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao was established in 2004 in Macao. It is responsible for executing and implementing the decisions made at each Ministerial Conference.The Permanent Secretariat is headed by a Secretary-General (appointed by the Ministry of Commerce of China), three Deputy Secretaries-General appointed respectively by the three parties: the Mainland of China (Ministry of Commerce), the PLP and the Macao SAR, and also composed of the creation of two Cabinets: Administration Cabinet, composed of members appointed by the Ministry of Commerce, responsible for the daily functioning of the Secretariat and communication with companies and government authorities in China; Liaison Office, composed of Delegates designated by Portuguese-speaking Countries, responsible for communication with the respective Government, Embassy in China and the business sector of their own country. Furthermore, the Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) is responsible for providing support to the Permanent Secretariat. The Permanent Secretariat has been working on promoting trade and investment, cooperation on human resources training, and cultural exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, as well as promoting the role of Macao as a Commercial and Trade Cooperation Service Platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries. The Permanent Secretariat is making every effort to promote further and to strengthen the economic and trade cooperation between all the participating countries.

Through this website, the Permanent Secretariat will continue to present its work; explain the current situation regarding trade and commercial ties between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries; outline the trade and investment opportunities in Portuguese-speaking Countries; and promote the role of Macao as a Commercial and Trade Cooperation Service Platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries. This website will additionally strive to provide the most up-to-date information to the general public concerning Forum Macao’s work and the quality services it offers.

I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to friends from all sectors for your support regarding the work of the Permanent Secretariat. I hope that in our future endeavours we continue to receive your attention, help and support. We value your opinions and suggestions and look forward to hearing them.

Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao)

Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat