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Groups from China and France interested in projects in Bahia
Release time:2024-03-26
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Representatives of SAM (Sul Americana de Metais), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chinese company Honbridge Holdings, visited the Grafita Project, located in Ipirá, Bahia. 

The delegation, made up of geologists Judiron Santiago and Luiz Fernando Souza, visited the lithoteca, located in Simões Filho, where the geological and geochemical testimonies of the Companhia Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral (CBPM) are archived, and then went on to carry out a field inspection in the municipality. During the visit to the area, samples were collected for analysis. After confirming interest, the next step is to meet with the CBPM board to discuss a proposal.

Another company interested in mining projects in Bahia was Eramet, a French-owned mining and metallurgy company dedicated to the energy transition.

(Source: Brasil 61, on March 20)