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Chinese buses lead sales in the Portuguese market
Release time:2024-01-08
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The Chinese bus manufacturer Zhong Tong conquered the Portuguese heavy passenger market, surpassing brands such as Mercedes-Benz, Iveco, MAN, or even the Portuguese CaetanoBus.

According to statistics from ACAP – Associação Automóvel de Portugal for 2023, the best-selling bus brand in the Portuguese market was Zhong Tong (ZT Bus), with 209 units delivered, mainly destined for public transport companies. collective of passengers, including STCP – Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos do Porto and also municipalized urban transport services.

Mercedes-Benz occupies second place with 198 registered units, followed by Iveco with 116 units sold. These two brands recorded sales declines of 74.6% and 69.5%, respectively.

The sixth position is occupied by the Chinese Yutong, which sold 37 units in the country.

In the national market, 984 heavy passenger vehicles were registered in 2023, which represented a decrease of 34.2% compared to the 1496 sold in the previous year.

(Source: Turbo)