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Almost 280 travel agencies are authorised to receive Chinese tourists in Brazil
Release time:2024-01-05
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The Ministry of Tourism has announced the selection of Brazilian travel and tourism agencies accredited to receive Chinese tourists in Brazil in 2024. The 276 agencies selected are registered with the Ministry of Tourism's Registration System for Individuals and Legal Entities, Cadastur, and will be able to provide reception, tours and other tourist activities for these visitors.

In all, around 150 million Chinese travel abroad every year. Between 2019 and 2021, of the more than 9.2 million foreign tourists who landed in Brazil, 77,235 were Chinese. In 2023 alone, more than 32,000 came to the country.

The selection is the result of the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 12 November 2004 by the Ministry of Tourism and the National Tourism Administration of the People's Republic of China. According to the text, it is up to the Brazilian side to designate or recommend the Brazilian travel agencies responsible for organising group trips for Chinese tourists to Brazil.

(Source: mercado e eventos)