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Angola and China signed an Agreement on Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments
Release time:2023-12-11
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The Agreement on the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments (APPRI), which aims to promote greater economic cooperation, stimulate the flow of capital and economic development between the two countries, was signed on December 6 in Beijing, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Angola, Téte António, and the Minister of Commerce of the Republic of China, Wang Wentao.

According to a note from the Angolan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this legal instrument, signed as part of strengthening bilateral cooperation between the two countries, also aims to guarantee a stable, convenient and transparent framework for companies between Angola and China.

In his intervention, Téte António considered this agreement a very important political, economic and commercial gain not only for Angola but for the Asian nation.

The two sides should carry out their respective internal procedures to promote the early entry into force of the agreement, according to the ministry.

(Source: RTP Africa)