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China is already the second main supplier of shoes to Portugal
Release time:2023-10-10
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In 2022, Portugal bought a total of 54 million pairs of shoes from abroad, 9 million more than in 2021. And it paid 704 million euros for them, which represents a growth of 20 per cent in quantity and 33.7 per cent in value. The majority came from Spain, but China came in second place among the main markets of origin, overtaking France, Belgium and Germany in a single year. 

Portugal continues to buy almost half of the shoes it imports from Spain, but China has strengthened its position among the country's suppliers: it already has a 36 per cent market share in the number of pairs imported, up from almost 16 million pairs last year. In terms of value, the share is substantially lower, at 14 per cent, corresponding to approximately 80 million euros.

France, which was in second place in 2021, has fallen to fifth and Belgium remains in third place.

(Source: Diário de Notícias)