The World Bank now forecasts higher rates of economic growth this year and next in Mozambique, Angola and Cabo Verde than it forecast last June.
The latest edition of Global Economic Prospects, a World Bank publication, has raised its forecasts of annual growth in gross domestic product in Angola to 2.9 percent this year from 2.2 percent, and to 2.6 percent next year from 2.4 percent.
The World Bank has raised its forecasts of growth in Cabo Verde to 4.7 percent this year from 4 percent, and to 4.9 percent next year from 4 percent.
The bank has raised its forecasts of growth in Mozambique to 3.5 percent this year from 3.4 percent, and to 4.1 percent next year from 3.6 percent.
In contrast, the World Bank has lowered its forecasts of growth this year in Guinea-Bissau to 4.2 percent from 4.3 percent, in Timor-Leste to 3.3 percent from 4.2 percent, and in Brazil to 2.2 percent from 2.5 percent.
The latest Global Economic Prospects contains no forecasts of GDP growth in Portugal or São Tomé and Príncipe.
But it does forecast that the Chinese economy will grow by 6.2 percent this year, having forecast last June that it would grow by 6.3 percent.