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Macao most liveable city in Greater China: survey
Release time:2014-12-31
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Macao is the most liveable city in Greater China, leading Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai, according to a survey by the National University of Singapore.

The Asia Competitiveness Institute compiled the ranking by studying Macao, Hong Kong, 95 Mainland Chinese cities and three Taiwan cities in July based on five indicators – economic competitiveness, environment and sustainability, domestic security, socio-cultural conditions and public governance.

Macao was confirmed in the overall ranking after leading in the competitiveness indicator, which emphasises the income level of residents, and in that for public governance, which places importance in the efficiency of the government.

An eastern city in the Mainland, Weihai, was placed second, followed by Hong Kong, whereas Shanghai and Beijing were placed at 35th and 44th respectively.

It is the first time the Singapore institution has compiled this type of survey on Greater China.