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Angolan students get study scholarships in China
Release time:2015-09-15
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A group of 40 Angolan students left for China on Friday to receive tertiary education there in the fields of engineering and health. It is part of a scholarship scheme, reported Angolan news agency Angop.

The media outlet said the programme was part of a co-operation protocol signed in 2013 between the Angolan organisation Fundação Eduardo dos Santos (FESA) and Huaqiao University. The latter is in the Chinese city of Xiamen.

FESA representative, Esperança Costa, said the aim of the project was to provide Angola with qualified professionals that could contribute to the country’s socio-economic and technological development.

“FESA’s program is meant to […] promote training in the fields of technology and health. This is why [our] institution has been signing co-operation agreements with [other] institutions in several countries”, said Ms Costa.

She added this was the second group of Angolan students that had left for China under the organisation’s education initiative.