The battery manufacturer, China Aviation Lithium Battery Technology (CALB) has already started the environmental licensing process for the construction project of the Lithium Battery Unit, in Sines, in the Setúbal district, for electric vehicles, presenting at the end of February to the Portuguese Environment a Scoping Proposal of the Environmental Impact Assessment.
According to the document, the project aims to build and operate a lithium battery production unit on land that forms part of the Sines Industrial and Logistics Zone, in an area of 100 hectares. The industrial unit project includes the construction of five buildings for the production of electrodes, manufacture of cells, training and assembly, packaging and manufacture of casings, which will have a capacity of 15 Gigawatts.
According to the document, the construction phase of the unit, in Sines, is estimated to take around 30 months, with the start of production expected by the end of 2025 in order to satisfy the high demand from customers, mainly from the automotive industry.
(Source: Jornal de Negócios)