The Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA) has entered into a scientific partnership with China to develop organic fertilizers in Brazil. The rector of UFRA, Herdjania Veras de Lima, presented details of the agreement to the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Luciana Santos, in a hearing on the 22nd of June. The cooperation, which includes research, development and technology transfer, involves UFRA, the Chinese government, Hohai University and Zhuhai Sino Lac Supply Chain.
“China will release the technology to Brazil, which will be tested and adapted to the country’s conditions, especially in the Amazon, for future commercialization of the products here”, stated the UFRA dean.
According to the Dean of UFRA, the forecast is that a Chinese delegation will come to Brazil in August to start the testing and implementation phases of the experimental areas in Pará.