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Cape Verde attends for the first time the FISU World University Games in China
Release time:2023-07-27
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Cape Verde will participate in the XXXI edition of the World University Games of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) for the first time, which takes place from the 28th of July to the 8th of August in Chengdu, China.

The country’s delegation, composed of student-athletes from the Physical Education and Sports course at the University of Cape Verde, Carlos Morais and Ivanésia Baiane, who will be led by Heritson Resende, leaves on the 25th of July, heading to China.

Cape Verde will compete respectively in the categories of 100 and 200 meter race. Ivanésia Baiane will also participate in the long jump category, reads the Uni-CV website.

According to the same source, the World University Games are a unique opportunity to promote university sport, cultural exchange and the recognition of the talent of student athletes from the University of Cape Verde.

(Source: Balai)