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China’s outbound direct investment jumped 14.1 percent year-on-year to a record high of US$102.9 billion in 2014, as China’s appetite for foreign investments remained robust, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said in a statement last week.
Mozambique’s new President Filipe Nyusi on Saturday named Carlos do Rosário as Prime Minister, to lead a government of 22 ministers, down from 28 previously.
Mozambique’s new President, Filipe Nyusi, says he plans to continue investing in the development of the country’s infrastructure, following in the footsteps of former president Armando Guebuza.
Economic activity in Brazil rose by 0.04 percent in November last year compared with the previous month, the Brazilian Central Bank announced on Thursday.
Angola’s National Agency for Private Investment signed on Thursday a total of 12 investment contracts with private partners, worth an estimated US$38.8 million, reports Portuguese news agency Lusa.
The Angolan Government on Wednesday presented plans to create a new industrial park in Caála municipality, in Huambo province.
Angola is planning to impose a quota system on imports of food and beverages from the year 2015. The system will include products for which domestic production is already able to cover over 60 percent of national demand, newspaper Jornal de Angola reports.
Foreign banks in Mainland China continue to be optimistic about their future performance, according to a new survey report by financial services consultancy Ernest & Young, released on Monday.
China’s foreign trade rose 3.4 percent year-on-year in 2014. It was the third consecutive year the country missed its official target.
The economies of Portuguese-speaking countries are all expected to grow this year, says a new report from the World Bank.
Chinese Justice Minister Wu Aiying will be the special envoy for China at the inauguration of Mozambique’s new President, Filipe Nyusi, state-run news agency Xinhua reported.
Guinea-Bissau’s economy is forecast to grow by between 4.7 percent and 5 percent in 2015, said the Minister of Economy and Finance Geraldo Martins.
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