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Syngenta Seeds in Aracati modernizes the unit
Release time:2023-12-07
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One of the largest seed developers and producers in the world, Syngenta Seeds, has just completed the investments that transformed its Aracati unit, in the interior of Ceará, into the main technological hub for research and development of new corn hybrids for all of Latin America. ChemChina is a shareholder of Syngenta Group.

In addition to a laboratory and two screened areas, the complex also has 14 new high-tech greenhouses that simulate the same temperature, humidity and light conditions as the region where the new seeds are being developed.


“Normally the corn cycle in the region takes around 110 days. With the new structure, there will be a reduction to 85 days, bringing savings of 25% to 30% at the end of the process.”, explains Vitor Barbieri, Corn Improvement Leader for LATAM.

(Source: Agricultural News)