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Chinese businessmen visit Chapecó
Release time:2023-10-26
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Chapecó, in the west of Santa Catarina, Brazil, received on the 23rd of October a Chinese mission that is interested in business in the food sector. The CEO of ECC Entreprise Limited and executive director were at City Hall, accompanied by two representatives from the Brazil-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry. They were received by government representatives, Mauro Zandavalli and Thiago Felipe Etges.

The Chinese also visited Concórdia and Seara and in Chapecó they had meetings with representatives from Aurora, BRF and Ecofrigo. They represent Chinese state-owned companies, one of which takes care of hospital food, and are interested in meat, milk and soy. The initial demand would be for around 90 containers.

Thiago Etges said that City Hall is interested in encouraging businesses that collaborate with the development of the municipality.

(Source: Official website of the Government of Chapecó)