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Huawei Cloud enters into partnership with ABFintechs
Release time:2024-06-28
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Huawei announced on June 24 a partnership between its business unit, Huawei Cloud, and ABFintechs (Brazilian Fintech Association). According to the company, the agreement will enable startups to access the multinational's cloud services, promote safer business models, and accelerate the development of the digital financial market.

The president of ABFintechs, Diego Perez, said the partnership will provide a competitive advantage between members and the Brazilian fintech ecosystem. He stated that the initiative should strengthen the companies' technological infrastructure.

According to the multinational, Huawei Cloud can reduce cloud infrastructure costs by up to 50%. The company is recognized for providing safe and high-performance services.

With the partnership, Huawei plans to hold joint events and initiatives that promote innovation, exchange experiences and foster new partnerships between the Brazilian and Chinese fintech markets.

(Source: Poder360, on June 26)