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Chinese investors train students in technical courses in Mozambique
Release time:2023-11-16
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Students from technical schools in the city of Beira and technicians from ASTROS, which is the Transporters Association of Sofala, will improve their knowledge at the Chinese investment company, called Mozam Auto.

“We are committed to training more and more Mozambican professional mechanics, mainly those linked to general mechanics and the transport industry, who will benefit from our means of work”, says Mozam Auto.

To implement the initiative, memorandums of understanding have already been signed between Mozam auto and the beneficiaries. For technical schools in the city of Beira, the initiative guarantees employment for their graduates.

General mechanics students will do their internship at the company and will be employed at ASTROS based on the needs of the associates.

Under the same memorandum of understanding, all transporters in the province of Sofala, as long as they are members of Astros, will benefit from deductions when purchasing goods from the company.

(Source: O País)