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Chinese firm starts urban clean up campaign in Angolan town
Release time:2016-05-18
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Chinese firm Citic Construction has launched – with the Angolan Government – a massive clean up of public spaces at Kilamba Kiaxi, the largest satellite town of Luanda, capital of the African nation, over the weekend, Chinese state-run news agency Xinhua reported.

Citic arranged more than 600 Chinese volunteers to work with 10,000 Angolan residents to clean the main streets, weed out wild grass and remove dustbins in Kilamba Kiaxi.

It was part of the Angolan Government’s efforts to reduce breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which transmit some of the more common diseases in the African nation, including malaria and yellow fever, the report said.

The infrastructure in Kilamba Kiaxi, now home to more than 100,000 people, was built by Citic Construction with an investment of US$3.35 billion from the Angolan Government, Xinhua reported.