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Chinese delegation comes to Brazil to discuss astronomy cooperation
Release time:2023-12-12
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A Chinese delegation visited Brazil on the 4th of December to discuss possible cooperation with the National Observatory. The delegation was led by the Vice-Governor of Qinghai Province, Liu Chao. During the visit, the group had the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the research and activities carried out by the National Observatory.

The Chinese met with the director of the Observatory, Jailson Souza de Alcaniz, and Marcelo Borges, head of the Postgraduate Programmes Division (DIPPG). Also present were Simone Daflon, Coordinator of Astronomy and Astrophysics (COAST) and Josina Nascimento, head of the Science Communication and Popularisation Division (DICOP).

The Chinese delegation also presented a new astronomical observatory under construction in the Saishiteng Mountains, near the city of Lenghu, in China. This new astronomical site is located at an altitude of 4,200 metres and has excellent sky quality, with a seeing of 0.75.

(Source: UOL)