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Trade between China, Portuguese-speaking Countries tops US$83.271 bln in January-May 2022
Release time:2022-08-23
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With Equatorial Guinea officially joining the Forum Macao as a participating country in April 2022, the trade between China and Portuguese-speaking countries will include trade between China and Equatorial Guinea starting from this month.

Trade in merchandise between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (including Equatorial Guinea, the same below) reached US$83.271 billion in the period from January to May 2022. It represented a 15.8% percent increase year-on-year, according to data from China Customs.

Portuguese-speaking Countries sold goods worth US$55.479 billion to China in the first five months of 2022, up 13.31 percent year-on-year. The value of China’s merchandise exports to those countries reached US$27.792 billion in the same period, an increase of 21.14 percent year-on-year.

The total value of merchandise traded in May between the parties topped US$20.817 billion, up by 18.71 percent from the prior-year period.

The value of China’s merchandise imports from Portuguese-speaking Countries reached US$14.192 billion, up by 13.06 percent year-to-year, according to Chinese official data. China sold goods to those countries worth US$6.625 billion, an increase of 32.97 percent compared with last year.