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4th edition of “929 Challenge” launches
Release time:2024-06-11
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The press conference regarding the 4th edition of the “929 Challenge” for university students in China and Portuguese-speaking countries was held on June 7 in the multifunctional room of the Complex of Commerce and Trade Co-operation Platform for China and Portuguese-speaking Countries.

Deputy Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, Casimiro de Jesus Pinto, stated that the “929 Challenge” is an important competition supporting innovators and entrepreneurs of the new generation, which is conducive to strengthening the connection between China and Portuguese-speaking countries (PSCs). This edition will further promote Macao’s “1+4” appropriate economic diversification development strategy, facilitate deepened integration between Hengqin and Macao, and cooperation between Macao, the Greater Bay Area, and PSCs. It is hoped that the Challenge can continue to bring potential startups to Macao, thus fostering the development of Macao’s cooperation platform between China and PSCs, enhancing exchanges among countries and creating a friendly and inclusive atmosphere for entrepreneurship.

The co-founder of the “929 Challenge”, Marco Duarte Rizzolio, said that the Challenge this year will continue to be formed in two divisions, namely the University Division and the Startup Division. A two-week bootcamp will be held before the finals. Through professional guidance, each team will be able to learn more about business opportunities in the GBA and PSCs so that they can understand market strategies and begin their entrepreneurship journeys.

Winning teams of each division will receive a cash prize. They will also have chances to meet with investors, cooperate with incubators, and expand their networks and markets.

Registration for the Challenge is open until September 29, and the finals will be held in Macao on November 9. The Challenge is co-organized by the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao and the Association for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Macau — China and Portuguese Speaking Countries, and participated in by the City University of Macau, the University of Macau, the Macau University of Science and Technology, the University of Saint Joseph, the Macao University of Tourism, Macao Polytechnic University, and the United Nations University Institute in Macau, among others.