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Brazilian government signs agreement with Huawei to create jobs for Unitary Registry
Release time:2024-10-21
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The Brazilian Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger (MDS) has signed an agreement with the Chinese company Huawei to train professionals of information technology and encourage productive activity among those enrolled in the Unified Registry. The cooperation will be nationwide and aimed at people over the age of 18. 

The Huawei Brazil's Education and Social Value Manager, Victor Lorran de Sousa Montenegro, explained that with the agreement the company seeks to guarantee employability in Brazil.

The Minister of MDS, Wellington Dias, stressed that it is very crucial to be able to combine digital and economic transformations. The Chinese company Huawei is already an important partner for Brazil and, with this cooperation agreement, Huawei will expand especially its focus back to the Brazilian Unitary Registry’s public in social and educational areas.

(Source: Correio Braziliense, on October 16)