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Chinese NGO offers 10 tons of protective equipment against dengue to East Timor
Release time:2024-01-26
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The Chinese NGO GX Foundation delivered on 23 January more than 10 tons of equipment and supplies to protect against dengue fever to the Timorese Ministry of Health in Dili.

The donation, worth approximately 1 million US dollars, is an integral part of the pilot project called “Health Protection Against Dengue in Timor-Leste,” with an expected duration of 9 months. The project covers more than 300 medical facilities across the country, including hospitals, community health centers and health posts.

The main objective of this project is to implement a comprehensive approach to the fight against dengue through prevention, protection, awareness and early diagnosis, with the donation of mosquito lamps, mosquito nets, sticky traps and rapid dengue tests, as well as education actions for local communities, churches and schools.

(Source: Government of Timor Leste, on 23 January)